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Old Mar 02, 2006, 10:46 PM // 22:46   #21
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Everyone is ALWAYS saying ectos aren't dropping. They aren't supposed to be dropping all the time. that is why FoW armor is so expensive. Same old rant, new people.
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Old Mar 02, 2006, 11:07 PM // 23:07   #22
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Europe
Guild: KiSS

Drops are random.
Let's take shards... not ectos. I farm fow when America has favor. Either solo or with guildies. I don't have a long history in fow farming but from what i learned: sometimes you hit the jackpot, sometimes you get squat.

Example: did 3 consecutive runs and only 2 shards dropped, purples from 2 chest = 0 visible profit. But salvaging and collectin other stuff covers my expanses, and I can make a minimal profit.

The next 2 runs brought me a total of 9 shards, and 2 rare drops (not chest).

So do the math... I say make 10-20 runs farming the same mosters in prime time, see what you get... divide it by the numbers of runs you did. You should get the avarage drop rate for the area. I say solo farming is still profitable. You just have to make simple calculation Income - Expenses.

Another example:

Farmed uw with 3 other guildies. We went to a place where usually no 2 man ss/sv and invinci teams go because it's not possible for them. We got fu..o. Not a single ecto. Did i mention that we had favor for like 50 min, and right after we went in, America lost favor? So... What was the chance for any1 to be in that area 90 min after America lost favor. Let's say there were like 20 4 man teams, that's like 80 people.... Geez... did the remaining 76 get all the ectos from like 200++ monsters or so?

Last edited by thunderpower; Mar 02, 2006 at 11:10 PM // 23:10..
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